Summer Lip Fix


Are you in need of a summer lip fix? Between sun exposure and the mask situation, I know most of us could use a good summer lip fix. Well, don’t fret I’ve got you covered!


My number 1 summer lip product is definitely this Clinique Chubby Stick. This hot pink shade is basically my summer neutral. I love a good pink pout during these hot months because it usually goes with all my bright clothes!


These little tubes pack a lot of punch! The colors are so pigmented and beautiful, but the best part is the hydrating feeling. These cute tubes are basically a colorful chapstick, which I’m all about! At only $18 a pop too, which is a total steal. One of these can last me all summer long!

Shop these Clinique Chubby Sticks here!

Perfect your summer pout with any of these chubby sticks! Bonus points if you go for the brightest color!

xo, deedee knows.jpg
Deedee Chapman