Year <3


Year 3

Most of you may know, BJ and I have been together for a lot longer than three years. This year makes 15 years since our first date. With that being said, we have been through a lot of life together, good times and bad times. I can genuinely say, that each year in our relationship is better than the last. Even though we have been together so long, we are still growing as a couple. This year I’ve witnessed two things, our waistline has grown a little, and our love has grown even stronger.

In year 3, we are learning to give each other grace. Life is so crazy hectic for us both, and I think we have learned the balance of work life and at-home life. The key is take-out, and enjoying our home every weekend! This past year, we have become the ultimate homebodies, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Marriage is such a gift, and a bond I don’t take lightly. BJ is always there for me, supporting me in all my crazy endeavors… from career moves to home projects. He’s making all my dreams come true. Here’s to us babe, hopefully we have many more years of growing and loving together!

Deedee Chapman